The project
In the heart of Perpignan, the majestic Place de Catalogne has had its street lighting renewed.
Our Structure K aluminum poles now light up this urban space. Topped with a Palino riser, an external spiral groove for easy mounting and adjustment of our Paulette low-energy LED floodlights, they also feature a lighting beacon on top.
Alongside the monumental Salvador Dali statue created in 2000 by Eric Pritchard, facing Perpignan railway station and the sumptuous Dames de France building, our lighting columns bring personality and modernity to this requalified space. Extended by the Square Jantet-Viollet (lit by our Creille lighting columns), Place de Catalogne now offers pleasant spaces for relaxation and exchange.
FranceOctober 2023© Photo credit:
FranceOctober 2023© Photo credit:
Contracting authority : Ville de Perpignan